Envelope Back Pillow & A Lovely Vintage Fabric

We’ve been working on our bedroom recently: painted the walls, hung curtains/valance, built and hung floating night stands and finally got our new duvet cover!  We bought a white duvet cover so we can display our beautiful wedding quilt that my incredibly talented cousin made, plus it’s easier to clean (‘ello bleach!).  However, I wanted some more colour/pattern on the bed and remembered that my Mom had given me some beautiful vintage fabric: thus leading to a new pillow!

The lovely fabric from my Mom is  a Greeff fabric, Tennessee Nightingale from Golden Odyssey, printed in England in the 1970’s.  I just love the colours and the sweet little birds.

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Our Lake Life has an easy tutorial on how to make an envelope back pillow (check it out here).  My pillow form was 16″x16″-speaking of pillow forms, they are incredibly expensive.  One of my girlfriends (check her out at Beautifully Contained) suggested buying the discounted ugo pillows from your favourite home-style store. So that’s what I did. Thrifty friends are the best.

It didn’t take that long to throw it all together and I just love it!

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I need to find a couple more simple patterns in the same colour scheme to round out the throw-pillows. As you can tell, I’m loving the blue/yellow/green colour scheme.  

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